Candelabra Specials
We have a few different forms of discounts at Koch Originals. Whether it is our Scratch & Dent Candelabras, our Candelabra Packages or our $1500 order discount, we know you'll find a deal on candelabras on this page. Click on one of the below links to open the specific specials flyer!
- Scratch & Dent Candelabras - Individual
Scratch & Dent Candelabras Sold Piece by Piece - Scratch & Dent Candelabras - Packages
Scratch & Dent Candelabras Sold as Packages - Wedding Candelabra Package Deals
Complete Candelabra Package Deals - $1500+ order discount
Easy, just enter Coupon Code: KOCH1500 at checkout to receive a flat 10% off any order $1500 or higher excluding shipping. This coupon does not apply to scratch & ding pieces, candelabra packages or other offers.
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